Everywhere I go I see people walking around with something in their ears: earbuds, cellphones. Perhaps it's mainly due to the Christmas season. I'm sure a lot of people got iPods or some other MP3 player for Christmas this year. Maybe this is why I keep seeing so many teenagers with earphones walking around with their parents at the grocery store.
In all honesty, I haven't been around to too many places to draw these conclusions, I just believe it's a growing trend. Regardless of this unscientific method, I have to ask, How many people spend any amount of their waking hours in quiet? I would guess not very many. I'm guilty of it myself.
I've been off this past week (which I've been thoroughly enjoying) and not long after getting up, the computer is on. Not much longer after that, the TV is on (usually for a video game). Why is this? Is it because of habit? Is it because, since I'm off, I think the only way to truly enjoy it is to constantly be doing something? I hope not.
With all this noise in our houses, in our cars, even when we are out walking around, can anyone really ever stop and think? Can anyone ever really ponder anything, meditate on anything? I believe that's difficult now, especially for younger people, and it's only going to get worse. Technology, for all of its advantages, is steadily becoming ridiculously ubiquitous.
We are losing something and soon we won't even be able to remember what it was.