Wednesday, February 18, 2009

First Loss

Today, Caleb lost his first baby tooth. Joy was having him brush his teeth when he spit some blood out. Upon seeing this he, naturally, freaked out beyond reason. He was screaming and crying so loud that Joy had to tell him he would either have to calm down or one of the neighbors would end up calling 911.

Sadly, I was at work so I didn't get to witness any of the chaos. Eventually he calmed down and Joy was able to pull the tooth out without incident or any violent outbursts.

Ah, how we cherish moments like this long after the years have softened our minds' focus so we can look back and laugh.

In honor of this event, here's a picture of Caleb before he had any teeth and when he enjoyed chewing on plastic toys.

Caleb 1

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Big Wheel

For my own personal enjoyment, here's another picture from our much ballyhooed Disney World trip of 2007.

April 21st 2007 009

Another picture from the Pop Century Resort. In this one, Joy, Molly, and Caleb are walking up to the larger than life Big Wheel (non-functioning, I think...).

Monday, February 16, 2009

Another Two Year Old Picture

For some reason, I suddenly enjoy posting pictures from my flickr site to my blog. It's sort of like a "double post" since I am "posting" information along with a picture that I already technically "posted" almost two years ago.

April 21st 2007 049

A view at the Pop Century Resort Hotel in Disney World. Although slightly obscured by trees, you can still make out the gigantic Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head and the (very) cool huge Rubik's cube.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

A Flashback From My Flickr Archives

I just felt like posting one of our pictures from our uber-great Disney World trip from April 2007. Man, that was a good time. This particular one is from our first full day at Disney World which we spent at the Animal Kingdom. (Plus, I just like the way photos look against the background of this blog. Did you know the background color is called ocher?)

April 22nd 2007 142

Birthday Eve

Joy went to work this morning and I got up with her. Of course, instead of doing something really productive, I decided to work on organizing some of my photos on my flickr site. I've been putting photos up on flickr for almost four years now but sometimes I wonder, what if flickr suddenly just goes away sometime? I'm sure it won't be that sudden but that would really be irritating considering all of the pictures that I have on there, all tagged and organized. I mean, it wouldn't really be too devastating since I'm not really using it as a real back up plan but I do like the way all my pictures all fairly organized.

On another useless note, I finally adjusted the width on the main body of this blog. Now it won't cut off pictures that I happen to post (which always irritated me).

Anyway, tomorrow is Michelle's and my birthday. I'll be 35 and she'll be 35 minus 7. We're not planning anything extravagant other than going to lunch today with our parent's after church. Also, we played Rock Band 2 last night for a while which was pretty fun. Especially when Caleb was on drums and really started freaking out that he couldn't do one of the songs since it was too hard (he was able to do it by the way).

It was also funny that, while we played the game, we had Sophie lying on her little playmat and she has really started trying to roll over. So much that at one point, we thought someone had repositioned her since she ended up 180 degrees out from where Joy had initially laid her but, no. She is rolling herself around. Although, not really rolling around. It's more like rocking back and forth and slowly moving around. Kind of like the minute hand on a clock: you don't see it move at a glance but if you really watch it, you can tell it's moving.

This weekend has been pretty nice. I don't know if it's just because I'm getting more and more boring but I really like the weekends where we don't have anything in particular to do aside from just hang out.

Good times. Goood tiiiiimes.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Baby Grabbin'

Sophie, three months old, is now grabbing at things. While this may not seem monumental, consider this: her usual hand pattern is a clenched fist. So I was pretty happy to see her to be (apparently) voluntarily opening and closing her hand when she her hands were resting on the table.

Of course, I could be wrong about all of this. Maybe it's just some automatic response. Who cares? It's still pretty cool.

Anyway, here's some photos that I recently uploaded to flickr.

February 14th 2009 047

Here I am talking some sense into sense into Sophie. "Listen to me, Sophie. Listen to meeeee!!!" I was really just trying to support her so Joy could snap this piture. Cute, right?

February 14th 2009 011

Molly in her creepy plaster mask that she made at school. Creepy.

That's all for now.


Yes, I am looking forward to getting our tax refund. No, it's not just basic materialism. It's just that we rarely get tax refunds. Praise the Lord Joy wasn't self-employed last year. That's what's killed us for the past six or seven years: self-employment tax.

I guess I'm anxious about getting the refund because I want to make sure we get it before the U.S. government goes totally broke. Also, I just want to do my small part in stimulating the economy. So, really, it's not about me. It's about my country. I'm just trying to help.


Just a Post

Well I haven't made any entries since something like January 3rd of this year. Not that that is a problem. I was just on my blog reading the posts I made from when we went to Disney World in 2007 so I decided to post something.

Here's my real issue though: should I even bother with the blog? I mean, I want to keep a journal I guess, but I could easily keep one on my laptop. There are plus and minuses to both, I suppose. If I use my computer to store my journal, I have total control over the journal but it's only available when I use my computer.

If I use my blog, there is always the risk that Google could shut it down, effectively erasing my journal. On the other hand, I really like the format. Maybe there's a "journal" format or template available for Open Office. Hmmm...

Until next time...
