This is what was left of some sort of shark. I'm guessing a sand shark since we found it lying in the sand. That's pretty logical.

Molly and Caleb playing on the sand dunes in Nags Head. I guess it's technically called "Jockey's Ridge".
A journal? Stream of consciousness? Short stories? Poetry? I don't know either.
Due to a number of reasons, we had to sell our beloved Jeep shortly after our daughter was born in 1999. Then, about five months ago we were shopping for a new car. My wife and I said, "Well, we've always been saying that we really want to get another Jeep whenever we can. This is our chance. Maybe the stuff people do in their lives don't amount to hill of beans. But this is our hill and these are our beans."
Okay, I stole the bit about the "hill of beans" from Naked Gun but you get the idea. I'll be sure to post some pictures of the emergency tow that I'm sure we'll require once our Jeep gets stuck on the Oregon Inlet in NC.
See ya!
I finally got my Xbox 360 (no thanks to Gamestop) and I must say that I'm really enjoying it. The most ingenious thing that Microsoft did was to integrate Xbox Live Arcade so perfectly into the console. I'm not ashamed to say that I love Zuma, one very addictive Live Arcade title. My wife is hooked on it as well.
I got Perfect Dark Zero and it's pretty good. The strange thing was that when I decided to thumb through the game's manual, I noticed that the pages are all out of order. Bear in mind that this is not a "pre-owned" game. This was brand new, out of the shrink wrap and the manual is screwed up and is apparently missing at least four pages! Not that care all that much.
Maybe I could sell it on eBay?
I thought how strange it must be to know your life's work may go unrecognized by the world but still hold so much purpose. But, maybe that doesn't really matter. The value of your life is not in the eye of the world; the world is fickle. Your life is important to God whether or not the world gives you a second thought.