Sunday, January 22, 2006

Some Recent Pictures

January 21st 2006 023
Our Jeep parked on the beach at the Oregon Inlet, NC.

January 21st 2006 024
Also found at the beach. I'm not sure what kind of animal this belonged to, but I'm almost 100% positive that it was a magical creature. A griffin perhaps.

January 21st 2006 028
This is what was left of some sort of shark. I'm guessing a sand shark since we found it lying in the sand. That's pretty logical.

Molly black and white
I love black and white photography and I love this picture of Molly.

January 21st 2006 026
Hey, it's nature's candy necklace! Yum!

January 21st 2006 022
We drove by the cottage that we stayed in last August. Just for spite, we knocked the trash can over. That'll show 'em.

January 21st 2006 021
This is the hotel where Joy and I spent our honeymoon. Ten years ago next month.

January 21st 2006 019
Molly and Caleb playing on the sand dunes in Nags Head. I guess it's technically called "Jockey's Ridge".

January 21st 2006 014
I just finished burying my kids in the sand in this picture. Look! You can hardly see them! (I'm kidding of course.)

January 21st 2006 013
Molly and Caleb on the dunes again.

January 21st 2006 011
Joy on the phone at the sand dunes.

January 21st 2006 009
Joy on the phone (again) with Caleb. On the dunes, by the way.

January 21st 2006 007
She loves cheesing it up for the camera.

January 21st 2006 006
Joy at the dunes. Umm, on the phone again.

January 21st 2006 005
I think it's safe to say that we take a lot of pictures.

January 21st 2006 004
Mommy with the kids. She's not on the phone this time. Oh wait. Yes she is. She has the hands free set in her ear.

January 21st 2006 003
A fitting end to this series of pictures. Joy, Molly, and Caleb ascending the hill.


Anonymous said...

very funny mike


Anonymous said...

love the pictures!!