Joy and I have lately been discussing how we can lower our bills. (I know this sounds like an info-mercial, but bear with me.) Since I'm starting a new job that will eventually pay significantly more than my current one, we had approached this issue with the "wait and see" mindset. Then one day, it hit us: we bought our house over five years ago and, since then, the market has changed. A lot. We decided to talk to family friend/realtor and get his opinion.
Last Monday, January 30th, the realtor came over and took a quick look over our house. After seeing our house, he seemed genuinely confident that he could sell it. The following Thursday, February 2nd, we signed some paperwork putting our house on the market.
Over the course of the next few days, we started looking at houses. One that's sort of in our neighborhood particularly caught our eye. But we kept seeing several other houses. Joy and I both kept comparing every house we saw back to the one in our neighborhood. No other house stuck out to us. After much discussion, prayer, and driving around, we decided to put a contract on the aforementioned house in our neighborhood on this past Monday, February 6th with the contingency being that we don't buy it until we sell our house.
I should mention that since the Thursday that our house went on the market we have had several people come in and see our home. Of these people, our realtor told us about a guy he's been working with for about a year. As a potential buyer, he has seen over fifty properties but couldn't make up his mind. Well, wouldn't you know it but he put a contract on our house yesterday, February 10th!
To sum it all up, we put our house on the market on February 2nd and eight days later it's sold (pending a ton of paperwork)! I should mention that the price we sold it for is almost twice what we originally paid for it. In other words, we should be able to pay most of our bills off when we move into the new house. We are set to close on our house on March 30th and he is set to close on ours on March 23rd. I am still in a little bit of shock that it worked out this way. I expected to be waiting around for a while until we sold. Now, all we have to worry about is the appraisal and home inspection on our house. Or do we? All the things I've been worrying about during this time have ended with it being obvious that I had no need to worry. Thank you Lord for the way you work things out so perfectly.
Anyway, I'll try to stay more updated with the whole house thing and I'll try to document it with pictures.
Well... BYE!
Oh, and when the Lord's on your side, there's no need to worry!
you know, it looks like there's a giant birds beak at the door of your house in that picture!! seriously, look at it! lol
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