Sunday, April 30, 2006

Wow! I Have a Blog?!

It's been a while since I've posted on here. To be honest, I just haven't had the time. And, to be even more honest, I haven't felt any real need to post.

So, what's been going on with me you ask? Well, we're pretty much settled in our new house and I'm still trying to get "settled" in my new job. The job has been a little more difficult than the house since about every week since I've started I've been reporting somewhere different. Even though I'm a little anxious about this upcoming Monday, at least I'm scheduled to be in the same general area until September. Supposedly.

Well, I'll be sure to post again in less than two months this time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

for some reason, i thought i had posted a comment on here. i must have just thought it and not posted it. lol

your new job sounds interesting...

i'm not sure if this one will have more safety risks than your last one. i mean, finding crack pipes and sending out transexuals out to ring the bell for the salvation army and having workers turn tricks on their breaks... haha oh, and the threats to your other co-workers...that was always fun.


glad you've got a job that pays better, and that is closer. a definite answer to prayer! :)