Sunday, May 13, 2007

Check out this Article

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Funny Video

I may have mentioned the satire news site The Onion on here before but they now post videos. These videos are presented in the typical cable news station format. Anyway, they've posted one of their funniest ones so far (in my opinion). Here's the link: Something in Haiti.

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Enter: Gordon II

Actually, I think he's going to be named James, another train from the Thomas the Train world. I'll be sure to post some pictures of the critter for posterity in the event of some unforeseen tragic event.

G' night!

Wednesday, May 02, 2007


We experienced a little tragedy tonight. My son had his hamster, Gordon, rolling around in his hamster ball. After a couple of minutes, I asked where the hamster was. Caleb didn't know. I searched and searched and finally found him. Our dog, Beth, had killed it.

Molly and Caleb are taking it pretty hard. Surprisingly, Molly more so than Caleb. Anyway, I'm typing this sitting up in our bed with Joy, Molly, and Caleb all beside me. There's not a lot of room here but, hey, they are sad.

Anyway, my initial feeling is to get rid of Beth. Naturally, I know that Beth is just a dumb dog and that she didn't kill Gordon for any reason other than pure instinct. I guess. I still go back to wanting to permanently say "Goodbye" to Beth, but I'll make sure that any decision like that isn't based strictly on emotion.

Have a good night.

Gordon the Hamster