It seems like only last year that we sold our house and moved into a new house. Now, here we are, a little over a year later and we're putting our house up on the market.
We didn't reach this decision on an impulse. I've been toying with the idea for about six months now. It's just that now we actually
need to sell our house. Not for profit but to "simplify", as my wife loves to say.
We're going to be moving into a townhouse (Lord willing) where we will be renting. There are some who will say, "Oh, that's too bad. You'll just be throwing money away on rent." To them I say: Hey, you have to live somewhere!
To be quite honest, I'm very excited to be headed back to the apartment lifestyle. No cutting grass, no raking leaves, no cleaning gutters; it's great. I'm not looking forward to sharing walls with other people but I guess that comes with the territory.
What I'm most looking forward to in the renting lifestyle: no more worries about home repairs. If the sink leaks, call the maintenance man. If the A/C breaks, call the maintenance man. Awesome!
Did I forget to mention Renter's Insurance? It's soooo much cheaper than Home Owner's insurance. Also, if a hurricane rips the roof off of my house (which I own) I can't just leave town. Oh no! I am actually expected to repair the house and continue making my mortgage payments or face foreclosure. What planet are these mortgage people from?! However, if the roof of my townhouse suddenly flies away in a strong breeze, guess what? No worries! I can just move (assuming I'm not in a binding lease). Bye bye rented property where all of my personal belongings were destroyed!
Anyway, to all you renters out there: owning a house is awesome. My house is actually very nice. I'll miss it. Wanna buy mine? The more renters that move out, the more available units there will be for me to choose from.
Hopefully I'll be able to update this blog with good news about the house for sale story very soon.