Sunday, May 10, 2009


I was thinking today that it's been about a year ago today that our house was about to sell. I don't recall the exact date that someone put a contract on it but I do know that we closed on June 13th. We must be pretty close to the year anniversary by now.

I'm just amazed at how fast time goes by. I'm also amazed by how awesome God is. He worked out something that I was really afraid would not work out. By now I should know to trust him and not worry.

The main reason I was writing today was because I was going through some pictures on my flickr site that didn't have tags and I ran across some that I took of our yard sale last year. I remember it being really hot last year when we moved. Miserably hot.

It's kind of bittersweet looking at those pictures of our house. On the one hand, I'm super happy that we were able to sell our house and move when we really needed to. On the other hand, I really miss our house. These apartments are great but I really do miss our house.

Who knows what the future holds? So many things in my life I've wished could've worked out differently only to see later that if I had gotten my way, things would probably have been a disaster. Again, I'm glad God's in control, not me.

Well, today is Mother's Day. I hope all you mothers out there have an awesome day. We got to spend a lot of time with Mom and Dad yesterday which was great. They are truly fun people to be around.

I'll post more later. Right now, Sophie is in my lap and it is very difficult to type.


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