Saturday, August 21, 2010

Another Saturday

Yes, here is it: another Saturday.  I really can't wait to be back on day shift.  Even after getting about eight hours of sleep last night (something I never get all week long) I'm still tired.  It's as if my body simply does not like getting up before 1130AM and I can't stand it.  I'm actually more of a morning person.  I like getting up before sunrise and enjoying the peaceful quiet that's associated with it.

Instead, I wake to the sounds of Sophie yelling, "Mom. Mom-eee."  But, at least it's still Saturday.

Last night, I played Blur on Xbox Live with Michelle.  It was pretty fun but after a couple of races of having the public chat on, we decided it was time to go back to "party chat".  "Party chat" means that we could only hear each other talking instead of the eighteen or so other morons that can't seem to form sentences without the f-word or other graphic, typical Xbox Live language.

In spite of all that crap, it was still a lot of fun hanging out and playing a game with my sister.

Well, the coffee's done so I'm going to go have some and a bowl of cereal.

See you later.

Saturday, August 07, 2010

Saturday Morning

Well, I'm just sitting here at the kitchen counter with Joy sitting just in front of me on the couch in the den/family room.  I haven't totally decided if I want to call it a "family room" or a "den".  In my opinion, the term "family room" seems too new.  I still like the term "den" because it denotes a dark place where hibernation or eating, or both, takes place. 

Anyway, I hear footsteps upstairs so one of the kids must be awake.  We're going to hang out on the patio for a little while before the quietness of morning disappears.