Monday, April 07, 2008

Just a Post

Work went fine today. I'll be getting a little overtime tomorrow but I guess what I'm being faced with is the fact that it's never guaranteed. I always knew that you shouldn't plan on overtime but, in my defense, we never bought this house thinking I'd be getting any overtime. We did, however, bank on Joy's job which pretty much ended over a year ago. Uh oh, I think I'm getting a little too "real" here.

The most important thing is that the more I face the day to day barrage of the unknown, the more I realize that I should have been relying on the Lord all along.

I've been posting pictures from my flickr site recently because I started trying to organize them a little more.

By the way, I think the layout of this blog messes up the way pictures are displayed. Basically, if the picture is wider than the main text column of the blog, the right side of the picture gets cut off. How do I fix that?! It's kind of annoying.

Here's some pictures anyway:

Here's a picture of Caleb from December 2003. He has really grown.

Molly, November 2003. Such a cutie.


Anonymous said...

Molly is Miss Moneybags! hehehe :-)

it's so crazy to see them now and to see pictures of them from a few years ago!

well, now you can just continue to rely on the Lord!! :-)

Anonymous said...

Don't be jealous.

haha :-)

Anonymous said...

so...apparently, firefox had some issue...not sure if anything is solved...but, who knows...gonna go to hillary's now, so i won't know until i get home later if it shutdown again...

computers... GAAH!


sorry i was annoyed on the phone earlier, Mike... you know how i am when my computer acts stupid... still no excuse... thanks for you help!

Anonymous said...

can I just tell you that my computer has gone completely downhill from the last time I left a comment on here.........................................................


sorry. i'm a bit frustrated... i put in the freaking windows xp disk, and that hasn't even helped me...I DON'T KNOW WHAT COMMAND I NEED. sorry. I'm not yelling at you. I'm just frustrated.

My computer won't even recognize that there's an internet/network connection anymore so, I can't even get the pictures off of my computer onto mom and dad's computer...and, I'm on their laptop right now.

The more I think about it all, the more it just continues to make me angrier/ more angry.

Anonymous said...

hey, i got a flickr site's the same as my aim screen name... oh, and Flickr ROCKS! haha, you know that cd?? hahaha

today's word verification word is, friip.