Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Some Pictures on My New Camera

Here's some real quick photos I took with my new digital camera (which is a lot of options kinda like my old Canon SLR). Anyway, we're getting ready to go, so here are a few quick images.

May 29th 2006 002

Molly and Caleb riding the train at Busch Gardens.

May 29th 2006 030

Croquet anyone?

May 29th 2006 034

Caleb has Monchichi hair.

May 29th 2006 038

Mom and Molly reading some sort of book.

Saturday, May 27, 2006

QVC= Quality Value COMEDY!

Check out this QVC blooper. I know, I know. Somebody got hurt. But you have to watch it until the end (it's only 32 seconds long) to see the cameo appearance by a guy that obviously is not in front of the camera very often. It's on the youtube.com site and here's the link right here.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Our Trip

We went to Luray this weekend and had a great time. It was really wonderful to spend so much time with my wife and kids. Anyway, here are a few select shots from the trip. There are more available for viewing at my flickr site.

May 14th 2006 065

Here we are at one of the mountain overlooks on Skyline Drive.

May 14th 2006 121

Joy and Caleb checking out some of the stalactite formations at Luray Caverns.

May 14th 2006 016

Here's Molly reading a book at our room/cottage/whatever. I tried to get the background in the shot since we had an awesome view of the valley below but instead it just looks like any other deck. Oh well.

May 14th 2006 021

Here's the handsome couple in the television-less, telephone-less room at the Skyland Resort located at the highest point on the Skyline Drive. Or so the signs claim.

May 14th 2006 043

Molly standing in front of Star the pony just before she went for a ride. Ain't she a cutie? (I'm talking about Molly, not the pony.)

May 14th 2006 053

There she is riding Star the pony. Oh, and that's me leading way through the maze of equine excrement. It was actually very fun despite the fact that it was pretty chilly that morning.

May 14th 2006 072

Another one of Molly.

May 14th 2006 008

And one of Caleb.

Until next time (when I decide to stop being lazy and post something more) have a great evening.

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Hooray for Luray!

Clever title, don't you think? It will seem even more clever once I reveal the following information: We are driving to Luray, Virginia this weekend.

You remember Luray right? The quiet one that nobody ever really noticed in school but now runs a multi-national, multi-million dollar business? Yea, that's the one.

I'm tired.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Artoo Dee Tow

That's how my son pronounces "R2-D2" when he's playing Lego Star Wars (a very good game by the way).

By the way, check out my Xbox 360's blog. There are a couple of new entries. Worth a chuckle or two. I mean, worth a chuckle or tow.

Saturday, May 06, 2006

My Xbox 360 Has a Blog

Well, I just started it today so it may not have much of anything. But, it seems like a pretty clever idea. Basically, it tracks my gaming habits/history and generates blog entries automatically. Pretty cool. Check it out right here.