We went to Luray this weekend and had a great time. It was really wonderful to spend so much time with my wife and kids. Anyway, here are a few select shots from the trip. There are more available for viewing at my flickr site.

Here we are at one of the mountain overlooks on Skyline Drive.

Joy and Caleb checking out some of the stalactite formations at Luray Caverns.

Here's Molly reading a book at our room/cottage/whatever. I tried to get the background in the shot since we had an awesome view of the valley below but instead it just looks like any other deck. Oh well.

Here's the handsome couple in the television-less, telephone-less room at the Skyland Resort located at the highest point on the Skyline Drive. Or so the signs claim.

Molly standing in front of Star the pony just before she went for a ride. Ain't she a cutie? (I'm talking about Molly, not the pony.)

There she is riding Star the pony. Oh, and that's me leading way through the maze of equine excrement. It was actually very fun despite the fact that it was pretty chilly that morning.

Another one of Molly.

And one of Caleb.
Until next time (when I decide to stop being lazy and post something more) have a great evening.
you guys are so cute! (all of you!)
molly and caleb make me smile! they're so CUTE! :)
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