Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Artoo Dee Tow

That's how my son pronounces "R2-D2" when he's playing Lego Star Wars (a very good game by the way).

By the way, check out my Xbox 360's blog. There are a couple of new entries. Worth a chuckle or two. I mean, worth a chuckle or tow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i just wish we could comment on it's blog! lol

or, how about how caleb says "naowe" for "now" or "daown" for "down" or "wuaddah" for "water" (side note - i seriously just typed "for" backwards as "rof." wow.)

"just shut-up for a minute!"

HAHA that's your new tombstone header. ha!

j slash k! it really didn't bother me. my feelings were not hurt.

(oh, and i think mowing the "lawn" today might have made me sick. - i'm stuffed up, and my nose is running... boooooo.)