Monday, August 06, 2007

Nothing Yet

We've had our house on the market for about two weeks now and we don't have any contracts on it yet. It's only been two weeks so I shouldn't get all antsy I guess. We've had several people come to see our home (we had to be gone, of course) but we haven't gotten any feedback yet.

I know the news keeps reporting that the housing market is really slowing down, but I'm of the firm belief that there are people out there buying houses still. Also, the price range we're in allows us some room to lower the price if need be.

So when do we lower the price? I have no idea. Of course our realtor isn't going to want to lower right away or for very much. After all, this is how he makes his money but, I'm ready to sell and say, "Well, BYE!"

At least we're not talking with any of those "Get Out Of Your House In 24 Hours. You Pay Nothing! You Lose Money" types of businesses.


Did I mention that it's hot today? I mean it's very hot outside. Thank the Lord I was able to spend the day glued in front of my computer at work in an air conditioned trailer. In fact, my hands started to get that don't-want-to-move-very-fast-because-they're-so-cold feeling.

I can't wait for fall.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i'm looking forward to fall, too.

yes, it was hot outside. we couldn't take the kids outside because it was so hot. let me tell you, that was just annoying! and, it wasn't very cool in the classroom,, i didn't see where there was much relief for that...

one of the kids was like, "why don't we go outside, and when we come back in, it will feel cooler?" haha great idea. i thought the same thing...but, we weren't allowed to go outside cause of the heat.

oh well...

well, BYE! (and, your house will sell eventually...just takes time, sometimes... Praying for you guys!)