Saturday, March 15, 2008

An Experiment

Well, Joy is pregnant. Let me be more precise: a few over the counter tests show positive as do a couple of other biological/natural tests. She goes to the official appointment next week for a due date, etc.

We kind of want to keep it quiet since, this early on, many things could go wrong and we don't want to get anybody overly excited if something goes awry.

Anyway, if everything goes okay, I want to do a sort of photo journal of the pregnancy. It will be fun and cool to look back on later.

Hopefully, I will be updating soon on the pregnancy. I'll also still be doing more of my more useless posts so this blog won't be entirely pregnancy related.

See you around.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My guess was right! (hahaha) :-)

Kind of exciting! :-) What day is the appointment?

Hope you guys are having fun at Busch Gardens today!! :-)

Photo journal of the pregnancy will be cool.