Friday, March 21, 2008

Pregnancy Journal, Part I

As I mentioned above, Joy is pregnant. So, as I sort of promised, I plan to start and try to maintain a sort of photo journal. I'll be uploading pictures that document her pregnancy up to my flickr site and then linking them here.

March 21st 2008 002

This picture is of the second pregnancy test Joy took. The first test was taken at night but the "you are pregnant" line was rather faint. So I told Joy, "That's awfully light. I wouldn't trust it." Anyway, she took another one the following morning (they say your mornin' pee is best for a pregnancy test) and this showed up. The second line was originally a little stronger but it's faded since this test was taken well over a week ago.

There is another test Joy took that her mom purchased without our knowledge. I think it was called Clear Blue. On this type of test there are no lines, only a small LCD display. A display that reads "Pregnant" or "Not Pregnant". Sadly, I waited too long to photograph the "Pregnant" display so it has since faded. Oh well. The real test comes next Thursday when Joy goes to the doctor for a preliminary ultrasound and a due date.

We've been through this twice now but it's still exciting.

See you later.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Too bad the one Joy's mom got didn't say, "Knocked Up" or "Not Knocked Up."

HAHA! You'd definitely have to take a picture of that one!

And, this is cool! :-)

And, Joy peed on that stick and it's on your couch!! Ewwy. haha :-)