Saturday, April 05, 2008

Pregnancy Journal, Part II

Yes, I've been taking my time updating this blog with respect to Joy's pregnancy. It's been a little hectic, I guess. Joy's been feeling pretty sick lately. Yesterday, she was especially nauseated. Although, we're not totally sure that was just from the pregnancy. It could've been the spaghetti she and kids ate Thursday night. The spaghetti that Molly vomited all over our bedroom floor around 1am Friday morning. Who knows?

Anyway, Joy went to her obstetrician last week and she had her initial ultrasound. Here's a picture I took of it since I don't own a scanner:

Modified Ultrasound

The large black void area in the middle (the part that looks like a pinto bean) is where the placenta, baby, etc. is starting to form. The area near the top of the pinto bean that looks like two short horizontal lines is actually the little "yolk sac". I put "yolk sac" in quotations because that is what the doctor called it, although I'm not sure if he would have put a "k" on the end of "sac".

At the time of this ultrasound, the doctor estimated the baby to be only about four weeks old. He/she is so small in fact (about 1mm) that the doctor couldn't take a measurement. We have to go back in about four more weeks to have another ultrasound. Then, we will get a more accurate due date.

Until then, there is nothing really new to report other than Joy feeling pretty darn sick all the time. Yuck.

Until next time, I'll leave you with this peaceful portrait of our current youngest child. See ya!

April 2nd 2008 088

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hahaha, great pics! haha