Monday, September 28, 2009

It's starting to feel more and more like fall. Maybe not so much today since it got close to 84 or something like that but, this morning I actually used the heater. According to the weather channel site, it was 59 degrees at 5:15am. Tomorrow the low is supposed to be 54. Why am I wasting so much time with this?

Anyway, I just dropped Molly off for her ballet class. Right when I pulled into the parking lot here at home, I realized that she left her water in my car. Oh well. At least it's not really hot today.

Today when Caleb got home from school, I read a book about salmon with him. He is such an excellent reader. Joy and I are very proud of him. And Molly, of course. Oh, and Sophie, of course.

Well, I really hope I can keep this up. I think my posts may be more boring than they used to be (in my opinion) but they may be more frequent. I want to communicate that sense of day to day life that we all tend to forget about as time goes by. We start to forget the little things unless they are associated with bigger, more memorable events.

At any rate, I'm going to at least try.

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