Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Last Day of September

It's hard to believe but it's true.  September is over in a little over two hours.  This year, in retrospect, is flying by.  Joy and I were just talking the other day about how, when we were kids, Christmas just couldn't come soon enough.  Nowadays, it comes entirely too fast.  Wow.  Only 86 days until the big day.  Not nearly enough time to do all of the Christmas shopping we need to do.

Moving on from Christmas as a topic, yet again.  Tonight I helped Molly start her own blog here on blogger.  It's a private blog so only Joy, mom, Michelle, and me will be able to view it.  She was asking me to sign her up after I sent her the invitation to read this blog.  She'll probably have a little fun with it but, it's probably more of a novelty to her.

Anyway, gotta stop writing here and read our devotions for the night. 

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