Thursday, October 01, 2009

The Foundry

Talking about work with people that don't work you work is typically boring but today, was another case where I can honestly say that if Joy or the kids could've seen it, they would have really been impressed.  Today I worked in the foundry again.  I've worked in the foundry many, many times before but yesterday I finally got to see where it all begins.  I witnessed the pouring of several molds/castings. 

It was pretty cool to see the flames shooting up 15 or more feet into the air as the metal was first placed into the container that they would use to move the molten steel.  Even cooler was seeing the liquid metal being poured into molds.  It was so bright that I was unable to look at it constantly.  Also, the metal that spilled down the piles of sand, or sulfur, looked just like lave leaking down the sides of an erupting volcano.  It was very cool.

Even though I don't expect to forget this sort of thing, I felt like writing it down.

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