Monday, October 12, 2009

Tonight, we started watching the Disney classic Swiss Family Robinson.  We've still got about an hour left and, kind of surprisingly, it's really keeping all of us interested.  The thing that has kept me most interested is the use of animals in the movie.  I'm no PETA member or animal rights advocate but, seeing some of the situations they get the animals into is kind of shocking.  I mean, there obviously were no computer special effects in 1960 so it's crazy to see two dogs fighting a tiger or a teenage boy riding on the back of an ostrich.  And that's just a couple of examples. 

Anyway, Sophie is getting more and more bold when it comes to walking.  She's getting more willing to take a couple of steps here and there.  But, you can tell she still gets scared when she gets slightly off balance.  Of course, I would be scared to walk too if my center of gravity was located directly in the vicinity of my large noggin. 

Well, I'm going to help Molly practice her 12's time tables and then read our nightly devotions.

Until next time...  bye!

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