Monday, October 19, 2009

A Post

It's Monday.  There's not a lot to say about that.  Of course, it did actually turn out to be a nice day today.  After I got home from work, we ate leftover pizza and took Molly to ballet practice.  While she was at practice, Joy, Caleb, Sophie, and I went to Toys R Us.  No real reason other than to get ideas for Sophie for Christmas.

People have asked me and Joy what to get Sophie for Christmas and we've been drawing blanks.  I mean, it's not like she's asking for anything so she'd probably have fun with just about anything.  She's particularly fond of putting the small objects that she happens across as she's crawling on the floor into her mouth.

Anyway, I just felt like writing something.


1 comment:

Mic said...

This is good to know. And, we know Sophie needs socks. So, that's something... :-)