Wednesday, July 14, 2010

I'm Whining

Yes, I feel like whining. I totally screwed a job up last night at work. The worst part is, I should have known better. But, due to negligence, I guess, I messed it up. So tonight I have to go in and fix it and hopefully finish the rest of it. So basically, I look like an idiot but all I've really done is slow a process down. At least nothing was actually produced with what I did last night, so there's that I guess.

Oh well. Unfortunately, this casts a bit of a shadow over the joyous occasion of moving out of The Orphanage. Maybe all will be better by tomorrow around this time.

Here's to hoping tonight will be better.

1 comment:

Mic said...

So, I didn't get to really hear your story of how you messed up the job, but I am hoping that you got it all taken care of Wednesday night into Thursday morning!

See you in a few!