Thursday, July 01, 2010

Sophie And The "Way-La" Video

We went to Disney World back in May and had a great time. Sophie did wonderful considering how uncomfortable, and possibly bored, she must have been during certain parts of our visit. She did, however, love meeting Mickey Mouse, Buzz Lightyear, etc.

Leading up to our visit (and really even now) we were listening to streaming Disney music from disradio and subsonic radio and Sophie is now in love with a tune that was used in an old parade at Epcot called the tapestry of dreams.  I'm pretty sure they still use some variation of the music in the parks still, just not in the parade  Anyway, we found a video of the parade on youtube and now watching the video is all that Sophie ever wants to do.  She calls it "Way-La" and will go over to the computer and point at it until we start playing it.  I think if she had her way, she'd listen to it all day long and, sometimes, it seems like she does.

Here's the video that she's currently loving on YouTube:

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