Thursday, March 31, 2005

Lame Post

I'm just going through the motions tonight. I'm really tired. I put together two small shelf things (one for each of my children) into which we intend to cram most of our kids' crap. It took a little longer than I thought, but that's not really the reason I'm tired. I'm not sure why. It's either the mono I've contracted from drinking after total strangers or the valium that I have illegally obtained. Please let me know which one you think it is. The person that comes up with the right answer will receive a week's supply of valium (prescription required). Runners-up will receive mono directly from me; method of contraction is up to you with one exception. No kissing.

Sorry about all that. Like I said, I'm tired. But in case you're wondering, I do not have mono, nor am I under the influence of any narcotic. Have a great night and I promise to put more effort into this tomorrow.

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Why is it...?

I hope most of my posts don't simply boil down to me whining about work, but here you go anyway: I was sitting at work today and one of our workers came in and started talking to me about how he needed some form of verification from my corporate office. He went on to talk about how the Democrats and Republicans are responsible for blah blah blah. Now, that's probably annoying enough, but here's the best part: this worker has a horrible stuttering problem. I've known this guy at work for some time so I've grown quite accustomed to his speech impediment. This time however, it gave me a big headache. I think it was mainly due to the fact that I almost completely tuned out everything he was saying (but I still managed the occasional "uh-huh" or "I know" to seem like I was paying attention). So basically, I wasn't actually listening to him, but I did constantly hear him struggling to get some words out.

Please don't think me as an insensitive jerk. Again, I was very polite to him and I never laugh at him when he stutters. But, come on! That was really some torture today. I kept hoping the phone would ring but, when it did, he patiently waited and continued with his story/monologue. This seemed to go on for a long time. When he finally left, someone else walked in who does not stutter, but talks way too much...

Sorry. I got a little carried away. I had some other ideas I was going to post but I got so preoccupied setting up a wireless card on my home-office PC (i.e. the computer in my daughter's bedroom) that I got a little side tracked. To be honest, it was a lot easier to get a wireless connection setup than I thought it would be.

Finally, you may or may not know that I've been "excited" about this new Splinter Cell game. Well, I picked it up last night and played through the tutorials for the online component and then I went to bed. So far today, my only contact with the game was when I took the instruction manual with me to read in the bathroom. (You'll probably think twice about reading my game manuals now, but not to worry. It's not like I don't wash my hands! What kind of a person do you think I am?) Needless to say, I won't really get to post any sort of review anytime soon, much to the chagrin of my legion of readers. I do plan on getting a review up and running before the next Splinter Cell game comes out, whenever that is.

So, I guess now it's time for me to sign off and eat a cookie. Thanks for stopping by!

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Another Day

It's a new day. It's also a day that I have to go back to work. (I was off yesterday since I worked the weekend.) The good news for me: only four days of work until the weekend. The bad news for me: I'll be by myself in the evenings this week since one of my coworkers is on vacation. Also, I have to commute to Norfolk and I'm really getting sick of it.

On to something less annoying, you may be wondering what was up with my last post. Well, I constantly think of stupid stuff like that that I want to write down and, until now, I never did. Believe it or not, I usually only write stuff like that if I honestly think it's funny. To me. On a regular basis, I'll say to my wife while we're watching a movie or TV or something, "Hey wouldn't it be funny if______(insert ridiculous chain of events here)". Usually this elicits a calm "yeah" or a pity laugh.

Thankfully, I have a wife that humors me but strangely enough I'll still sit there and think to myself, "Hmm. That's strange. The statement I just made was the funniest thing ever said. Ever. Why isn't she rolling on the floor laughing uncontrollably?" That's overstating it a bit, but you get the idea. Over the years I've come to realize that just because something is insanely funny to me doesn't mean that it will be funny at all to anyone else. Does that make me insane? I hope not. But wouldn't it be hilarious if it did?!

Monday, March 28, 2005

Hey, Ma! Got any Sunny D in the fridge?

Me and the guys were outside shooting some hoops and could really use something good to drink. C'mon guys! Let's all crowd around the fridge with the door open and dig around inside. Soda? No way, man! Sunny D is the way to go! Mmmm. Deee-licious! Well, it's back outside... and don't worry, we'll be right back here to cool down when it gets too hot outside. Thanks, Ma! And thank you, Sunny D!

Why "Faron Oakes"?

Since you've probably noticed that my blog name is "Faron Oakes" (with the space where it's supposed to be) you might be wondering why I'm using this name. The short answer: it's my gamertag on Xbox Live. Yes, everyone on XBL and over at XMG (more on XMG later) knows me as Faron Oakes. There really is no real meaning behind it. It's simply a fictional name I came up with a long time ago that I thought sounded kind of cool and epic. The first time I remember using it was when I was playing the PC game Starcraft back in early 1999. So, yes, I'm incredibly nerdy.
XMG is a community of gamers called Xbox Mature Gamers. It started out pretty modest, but now we have a nice website which is essentially a message board. On this message board the members discuss gaming events, games, and life in general. The main reason this community exists is so that people who play Xbox Live can enjoy it. If you're not familiar with the service, you can play with anyone pretty much anytime of the day over a high speed internet connection. The downside to this is the fact that playing with the general public can be a pretty crappy experience. Sometimes you encounter the occasional person that just wants to have fun, but undoubtedly you will run into several people who only seem to have fun when they are team killing, screaming into their microphone, or swearing incessantly. So, to summarize, XMG was created so people could get together to play games over XBL just for fun - not at the expense of others.
Wow. Today, I've really bared my soul, gaming-wise. But, like I mentioned in my old Verizon site, I read and talk about games much more than I am able to play them. I'm okay with that. Really. Why are you looking at me like that? Stop laughing!
One last note: After reading this, I'm sure my sister will be even more convinced that I am a "dork". So be it. Until next time...

Back again...

This time around, I'm a little more aware of what's going on. The good news is this is much easier to use than my other site listed above. I hope to start posting pictures and generally spewing out meaningless garbage very shortly. Check back soon for more junk from me!

Sunday, March 27, 2005

First Entry?

So, I've decided to make my wannabe blog with verizon. Hopefully, this will work out. I'm going to continue to update the other page with pictures and the like so I haven't totally disregarded. But if I did, who would really care, really? Until next time....BYE!