Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Why is it...?

I hope most of my posts don't simply boil down to me whining about work, but here you go anyway: I was sitting at work today and one of our workers came in and started talking to me about how he needed some form of verification from my corporate office. He went on to talk about how the Democrats and Republicans are responsible for blah blah blah. Now, that's probably annoying enough, but here's the best part: this worker has a horrible stuttering problem. I've known this guy at work for some time so I've grown quite accustomed to his speech impediment. This time however, it gave me a big headache. I think it was mainly due to the fact that I almost completely tuned out everything he was saying (but I still managed the occasional "uh-huh" or "I know" to seem like I was paying attention). So basically, I wasn't actually listening to him, but I did constantly hear him struggling to get some words out.

Please don't think me as an insensitive jerk. Again, I was very polite to him and I never laugh at him when he stutters. But, come on! That was really some torture today. I kept hoping the phone would ring but, when it did, he patiently waited and continued with his story/monologue. This seemed to go on for a long time. When he finally left, someone else walked in who does not stutter, but talks way too much...

Sorry. I got a little carried away. I had some other ideas I was going to post but I got so preoccupied setting up a wireless card on my home-office PC (i.e. the computer in my daughter's bedroom) that I got a little side tracked. To be honest, it was a lot easier to get a wireless connection setup than I thought it would be.

Finally, you may or may not know that I've been "excited" about this new Splinter Cell game. Well, I picked it up last night and played through the tutorials for the online component and then I went to bed. So far today, my only contact with the game was when I took the instruction manual with me to read in the bathroom. (You'll probably think twice about reading my game manuals now, but not to worry. It's not like I don't wash my hands! What kind of a person do you think I am?) Needless to say, I won't really get to post any sort of review anytime soon, much to the chagrin of my legion of readers. I do plan on getting a review up and running before the next Splinter Cell game comes out, whenever that is.

So, I guess now it's time for me to sign off and eat a cookie. Thanks for stopping by!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You should have said, "and now I'm going to reward myself with a Skittle!" hahaha

Yeah, maybe the info on you taking the booklet with you to the restroom was a bit TMI, but I guess we'll let it slide this time. And don't forget to tell us about your guy that has "Jesus Magic." HAHAHA Or "Ronnie"

Can't forget those stories...cause they're GREAT! LOL
Later Mike!