Monday, March 28, 2005

Why "Faron Oakes"?

Since you've probably noticed that my blog name is "Faron Oakes" (with the space where it's supposed to be) you might be wondering why I'm using this name. The short answer: it's my gamertag on Xbox Live. Yes, everyone on XBL and over at XMG (more on XMG later) knows me as Faron Oakes. There really is no real meaning behind it. It's simply a fictional name I came up with a long time ago that I thought sounded kind of cool and epic. The first time I remember using it was when I was playing the PC game Starcraft back in early 1999. So, yes, I'm incredibly nerdy.
XMG is a community of gamers called Xbox Mature Gamers. It started out pretty modest, but now we have a nice website which is essentially a message board. On this message board the members discuss gaming events, games, and life in general. The main reason this community exists is so that people who play Xbox Live can enjoy it. If you're not familiar with the service, you can play with anyone pretty much anytime of the day over a high speed internet connection. The downside to this is the fact that playing with the general public can be a pretty crappy experience. Sometimes you encounter the occasional person that just wants to have fun, but undoubtedly you will run into several people who only seem to have fun when they are team killing, screaming into their microphone, or swearing incessantly. So, to summarize, XMG was created so people could get together to play games over XBL just for fun - not at the expense of others.
Wow. Today, I've really bared my soul, gaming-wise. But, like I mentioned in my old Verizon site, I read and talk about games much more than I am able to play them. I'm okay with that. Really. Why are you looking at me like that? Stop laughing!
One last note: After reading this, I'm sure my sister will be even more convinced that I am a "dork". So be it. Until next time...

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