Thursday, March 31, 2005

Lame Post

I'm just going through the motions tonight. I'm really tired. I put together two small shelf things (one for each of my children) into which we intend to cram most of our kids' crap. It took a little longer than I thought, but that's not really the reason I'm tired. I'm not sure why. It's either the mono I've contracted from drinking after total strangers or the valium that I have illegally obtained. Please let me know which one you think it is. The person that comes up with the right answer will receive a week's supply of valium (prescription required). Runners-up will receive mono directly from me; method of contraction is up to you with one exception. No kissing.

Sorry about all that. Like I said, I'm tired. But in case you're wondering, I do not have mono, nor am I under the influence of any narcotic. Have a great night and I promise to put more effort into this tomorrow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sometimes I wonder if we weren't given the same drug as children, or maybe you just happen to give me the same drug you were using at the time. Who knows!?