Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Just Under Six Months

I've got a new job. I am very excited and very happy to say that. Finally, I'll be working some hours that don't involve my getting home after 7:30pm every night.

The only down side is that I don't start my new job until April. But I guess that isn't too much of a down side. I could still be sitting in the same job six months from now. Plus, I'm able to give my boss a little more than the obligatory two weeks notice. Six months is a little more than a fortnight (I've been dying to use that word).

I guess I'll post more later but right now I've got to go scoop cat feces out of a pile of perfumey sand next to my refrigerator. Delicious! Sorry I don't have more to say. Have a great night!

One last thing: This is post number 97. I'm so lazy I still haven't made it past 100 yet.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


dun dun dun...You're turning into your father...not EXACTLY, but...you're getting a better job, and it's at the shipyard, and well...dad's been there for 30 years...he's been there since he was 27...you'll be 32 when you start there. 5 years difference, not a huge difference...but your kids are approximately the same age. not quite though. lol yeah, fun perspective.

Congrats!! :)