Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Things You Should Never Do, Vol. 3

You should never put a carpet with rubber backing in your dryer.

Apparently, various chunks, bits, etc. of rubber will suddenly populate your dryer and its exhaust tubing. A fine layer of springy powder will then line the inner casing of your dryer. This is mostly harmless except for those who are very allergic to latex. (Enjoy wearing clothes now you hyper-allergic freak!)

This is why this qualifies (however boring) as a "Thing You Should Never Do".

By the way, is it obvious that I'm simply trying to increase my post count? It is? I was trying to hide my goal, but oh well.

Well, BYE!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hmm...sounds like this is from experience...??

LOL I can smell the burning rubber!