Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Move Along, Nothing to See Here

Just a quick post. Following the subject of my last post, I have no Xbox 360. Although I was told last week by the manager that I would have my system before Christmas, one of the sales "people" told my wife tonight that since I was dead last on the preorder list, I won't get one until after Christmas. Huh?! How much conflicting information can one store give?

Well, I've learned one important lesson: Never shop at Gamestop. The staff is rude, preoccupied, and (seemingly) deceitful. At least at the location I visit. Or used to visit once I get my money back from that pre-order.


Anonymous said...

Gamestop = MAJOR crackers. not just crackers...cracker jacks!

Anonymous said...

okay, it's been a while since you've updated. i mean, y'all have been sick and everything. i know you can write about that. or the fact that your kids crack you up all the time. come on. or, even that cat. lol hahaha

i'm gonna try and bake some cookies today, so, just call me and see where i am in that. that's if you want to try and do something, or if you just want me to come over for a little bit.

later! (and, it's raining on your day off, again. hehehe)