Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Things You Should Never Do, Vol. 4

You should never attempt to break up a fight between two intoxicated homeless people.

Aside from the obvious reason (i.e. endangering yourself), it is possible, and even likely, that the transient participants in said fight may actually want to fight until the finish. Naturally, I'm not implying that you allow one the fighters to be killed. I just propose you allow them to reach some sort of resolution. There could be a very legitimate reason for their fight. Perhaps the outcome will decide new territorial boundaries in the woods behind the furniture store. Or, maybe the winner will walk away with a (mostly)new pair of jeans.

Then again, how could you be totally sure they're homeless in the first place? They could just be rugged outdoorsmen with a score to settle. At least you can be fairly sure that they're intoxicated. I mean, I can smell them from here. Phew!


Anonymous said...

I liked that. Sounds like a "Deep Thoughts by Jack Handy" piece.


Anonymous said...

Yay! The pictures! Thanks, Mike! I'll try and stop by tomorrow night after work for just a few minutes to see how y'all are doing! (If that's okay.) Love you guys! :)