Saturday, August 27, 2005

Writing When I'm Tired

Over the years I've found that when I try to write (at least creatively) when I'm really tired, I have a lot more fun.

Oh, nevermind. My stupid cat just did something stupid that I've now stupidly got to deal with. Stupid.

Have I ever mentioned that I am completely over my cat? I like to believe that once he becomes an adult cat and not an insane, ultra-hyper, pcycho-kitty, that I will like him more. As for now, the phrase that describes him most for me "immensely annoying".

If there are any cat lovers out there reading this, just know this: I used to love cats, too, until recently when I discovered that they are actually immensely annoying.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, cats are annoying, but they're nice too...just depends on if you own them or not...and if you've got to watch them or not...hahaha!