Monday, March 30, 2009

Monday, March 30th, 2009 (Day three in Disney World)

As I may have mentioned in the last post, we will be heading to Disney's Hollywood Studios theme park today. This is Molly's favorite park and is definitely one of my favorites. The main ride we're looking forward to? The Tower of Terror. Today is the day when we will coerce Caleb into riding it.

It may not be that easy since he started getting upset in line for Splash Mountain but I'm of the mindset now that it's too bad: you're riding. Does that sound mean? I don't think so. If we went along with Caleb everytime he said, "I don't want to ride that", he would ride almost nothing.

Anyway, we just had a healthy breakfast of dougnuts and cookies and we're getting ready to head out. Like I said before, I wish I could upload more photos but the connection here is just too slow.

The weather looking good for today. Right now, it's probably just barely sixty degrees and it's supposed to only get to about 76 or so. Yesterday was a different story. It poured down rain up until about 1:30. It was okay since we had ponchos to wear. They were definitely life savers. Or clothes and camera savers I guess.

Well, I'd better click "Publish Post" before my 24 hour internet access time expires.

See you soon.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

In Disney World

I'm sitting in bed in our hotel room at Disney's All-Star Movies Resort. Caleb was just awake a second ago watching an episode of Spiderman. Joy, Molly, and Sophie are all sound asleep. I won't make this long: I am super tired and my legs are killing me.

We spent today at Epcot after getting a sort of nice late start mainly due to rain. It turned out to be a really beautiful day. Yesterday when we arrived we headed on over to the Magic Kingdom and, man, it was packed.

Anyway, I really wanted to upload a lot of pictures but, apparently, the connection here at the hotel isn't so hot. I'll most likely just stop trying to upload stuff until we get back home. It's really that slow.

The plan for tomorrow is to go to Disney's Hollywood Studios Park, which I keep calling "MGM". Hopefully the weather will be as nice as it's been so far.

Heading to bed now.


Molly and Caleb at the airport, waiting to head to Disney World.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Two More Days to Disney

After working 2am until about 11am yesterday, it was nice to get some sleep last night. Work today wasn't too bad. I was just in the office processing a couple of jobs but that can really make the day drag sometimes. Especially when I'm about to go on vacation. I'm sure tomorrow will go by even slower.

But work isn't the point of this post. The point of my posting this is to celebrate just how close we are to hopping a plane to Disney World. It's really hard to believe but somehow, I believe it.

All that really remains right now is for us to go through a checklist and make sure we have everything. Not just the essentials like toothpaste, toothbrushes, etc., but the other essentials like our reservation paperwork and the Disney's Magical Express tickets. What is Disney's Magical Express, you ask?

Disney's Magical Express is an airport shuttle program. All we have to do is put the special tags on our checked luggage before we take off. When we arrive in Florida, we just hop on the Magical Express and go to the hotel. No need to wait and claim our luggage. Walt Disney himself will personally deliver our luggage to our hotel room. Or so I think...

So basically, Disney's Magical Express is a bus.

Anyway, two more days!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Six Days To Disney

We are nearing the departure date: Saturday, March 28th. It's hard to believe that next week at this time we'll be totally exhausted from walking all day in the heat. Well, hopefully not totally exhausted. Maybe the adrenaline rush, which presumably lasts for six to seven days, will keep us going.

Anyway, we tried packing today just to see what we could or could not fit in the luggage we're taking with us. The plan is only to check one bag since the airline charges $15 for the first checked bag, $25 for the second checked bag, $50 for the third, etc. I think we'll be able to do it since our carry on stuff is all going to fall under the size/weight requirements.

Once again, I'll be using blogger in conjunction with flickr to keep the updates from the park rolling in for all of my fans. All two of you: me and possibly my sister.

Have a great night. Here's couple more shots from our last trip to Disney.

April 21st 2007 040

This is from our first night in Disney World back in April 2007. We spent the evening at Downtown Disney instead of going to a park that night. Not sure if we'll do that this time...

April 21st 2007 041

This is another picture from Downtown Disney. Not sure why they keep the Christmas stuff out in April but hey, who cares?

Monday, March 16, 2009

Twelve Days to Disney

Well, like the title says, we have only twelve days until our trip to Disney World. I'm holding the baby right now and trying to type so this will be a short post.

Anyway, I was reminded that about two years ago, I had a blog post with the same title as this one. It all comes full circle at last.

Within a couple of weeks, I'll be posting pictures from Disney World.

See ya!

Sunday, March 01, 2009

Disney 2007 Trip

Continuing my irregular 2007 Disney World trip photo series, here's a picture from the Star Tours ride at Disney Hollywood Studios (formerly Disney MGM Studios). Yes, this is the ride that Caleb was terrified of since he sincerely believed we were actually going into outerspace and he didn't want go.

Anyway, this isn't the best photograph of the ride but it does highlight the quality of the stuff you get to stare at while waiting in line for the various rides in Disney World. (I am not stating this sarcastically; the quality of the stuff in Disney is quite high.)

See you later.

April 23rd 2007 011

27 Days to Disney

Well, it's official. We are going back to Disney World at the end of this month. We're all pretty excited about it. To be honest, we've been seriously looking into it for a while but we just booked it last week.

I am personally excited about convincing Caleb to ride the Tower of Terror. I think he's going to do it. We've been watching various videos of the ride on youtube. Yesterday, in fact, I ran across a video of a Half-Life 2 mod that someone made to look exactly like the Tower of Terror ride. It was very accurate right down to all the correct Twilight Zone audio that you hear right before going on the ride. Below is the video and a couple of pics of the kids.

The countdown has begun.


Shot of Molly before she knew I was going to take her picture.


Caleb showcasing his lost tooth.

February 28th 2009 042 (41)

Beautiful picture of Sophie taking a nap.