Sunday, March 01, 2009

27 Days to Disney

Well, it's official. We are going back to Disney World at the end of this month. We're all pretty excited about it. To be honest, we've been seriously looking into it for a while but we just booked it last week.

I am personally excited about convincing Caleb to ride the Tower of Terror. I think he's going to do it. We've been watching various videos of the ride on youtube. Yesterday, in fact, I ran across a video of a Half-Life 2 mod that someone made to look exactly like the Tower of Terror ride. It was very accurate right down to all the correct Twilight Zone audio that you hear right before going on the ride. Below is the video and a couple of pics of the kids.

The countdown has begun.


Shot of Molly before she knew I was going to take her picture.


Caleb showcasing his lost tooth.

February 28th 2009 042 (41)

Beautiful picture of Sophie taking a nap.

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