Monday, March 30, 2009

Monday, March 30th, 2009 (Day three in Disney World)

As I may have mentioned in the last post, we will be heading to Disney's Hollywood Studios theme park today. This is Molly's favorite park and is definitely one of my favorites. The main ride we're looking forward to? The Tower of Terror. Today is the day when we will coerce Caleb into riding it.

It may not be that easy since he started getting upset in line for Splash Mountain but I'm of the mindset now that it's too bad: you're riding. Does that sound mean? I don't think so. If we went along with Caleb everytime he said, "I don't want to ride that", he would ride almost nothing.

Anyway, we just had a healthy breakfast of dougnuts and cookies and we're getting ready to head out. Like I said before, I wish I could upload more photos but the connection here is just too slow.

The weather looking good for today. Right now, it's probably just barely sixty degrees and it's supposed to only get to about 76 or so. Yesterday was a different story. It poured down rain up until about 1:30. It was okay since we had ponchos to wear. They were definitely life savers. Or clothes and camera savers I guess.

Well, I'd better click "Publish Post" before my 24 hour internet access time expires.

See you soon.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Sounds like you guys are having a great time! I hope you were able to convince/get Caleb to ride Tower of Terror! Because I loved that ride! :-) I would love to ride it again! Hope you guys have a great day tomorrow! Love you guys and miss you guys! :-)