Sunday, March 01, 2009

Disney 2007 Trip

Continuing my irregular 2007 Disney World trip photo series, here's a picture from the Star Tours ride at Disney Hollywood Studios (formerly Disney MGM Studios). Yes, this is the ride that Caleb was terrified of since he sincerely believed we were actually going into outerspace and he didn't want go.

Anyway, this isn't the best photograph of the ride but it does highlight the quality of the stuff you get to stare at while waiting in line for the various rides in Disney World. (I am not stating this sarcastically; the quality of the stuff in Disney is quite high.)

See you later.

April 23rd 2007 011

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

still makes me laugh about caleb thinking you were actually going to space! makes me think of when we went to oregon for the first time and i asked if we were going through china! lol!

hey! the word verification word is "joyeac" lol