Monday, April 16, 2007

Privatize My Blog?

Blogger now has an option that allows (ahem) bloggers to make their blogs available only to people they choose. So, I'm considering it. I've never posted here hoping to get noticed by the world. I've posted here mainly for entertainment and a detached form of communication.

So, anyway, I am considering it. Unless, of course, the public outcry is so great that I am forced to leave my blog open to the public. Hardy har har.

See you soon! Or not, depending on whether or not I choose to turn this blog into a private thing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

dang. that means i'd have to get a "blogger" account too?? sheesh! ha

oh, and i took that picture at taco bell. remember me being stupid with my camera phone during Christmas break at taco bell? Molly and Caleb got those "monster stickers" and i had one of them on my eye. haha

oh, and that's your arm in the background...