Tuesday, May 31, 2005


Sorry about the last post. I just did not want to have a misleading title so I kept the review short. In all honestly, I did enjoy the movie. My sister has suggested that Lucas could've skipped episodes one and two and everyone would've been happy and I happen to agree with that. My only gripe: I wanted to see and hear more of Darth Vader once he was in his life support/cyborg suit. Oh well, guess I'll just have to watch the original trilogy for that.

I meant to post this a couple of weeks ago, but I have some pictures posted over at flickr.com. It's free ,of course, and I've already got the link over on the right hand portion of this page. Check it out when you have the time but remember, it's a work in progress so there aren't that many picutres yet...

Until next time, thanks for checking out my blog.

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