Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Renting Movies

Over the past few years I have found that when we rent a movie and we don't watch it on the first night, we will not watch it at all. Sure, we have the DVD for 5 days but, somehow, that just isn't enough. The movies we rent for my daughter, however, are different somehow.

My five year old daughter is able to watch a rented DVD not once, not twice, but a staggering eighty-three times in five short days. I admit that figure sounds a bit high (and it probably is) but that's really what it seems like. I've heard the story of how Strawberry Shortcake met Cocoa Calypso so many times now that I really have to struggle to remember what my wife and I even rented. On the plus side, that Cocoa Calypso does sing a catchy song. The chorus is: "With all that I've got/ With all that I've found/ Why would I need anybody around." Sounds a bit dark but the upbeat musical score juxtaposes the mood nicely.

I could probably list several titles that I've rented that have never seen the inside of my Xbox but this week's casualty is the romantic comedy "Hitch" starring Will Smith and Kevin James. There it sits upon my shelf, staring blankly at the ceiling. If it could, I know that the "Hitch" case would be thinking: "Why did they rent me? They haven't even cracked me open to see the graphic on the disc. I mean, they could have at least returned me after the first day for a dollar credit. But, no... And listen to that Strawberry Shortcake. She gets all the love. How I hate that little tart."

Sheesh. That "Hitch" movie is mean. Oh well, with all that I've learned, with all that I've found, why do I rent movies and leave them lying around?


Sunday, June 26, 2005

Yard Sale Pics

Yes the yard sale is officially over. It was fun and we learned a lot. Mainly we learned this: Do not have anymore yard sales. They are exhausting and not very profitable. I wonder how much more could we have made had I sold that stuff on eBay? I guess it's for the best that I didn't use eBay, because if I did it would've taken close to three months, given my selling track record.

Anyway, this last picture sums up the overall reaction to how we did this weekend. Have a great day!

Saturday, June 25, 2005

Yard Sale

This time, the yard sale is taking place at my house. In my front yard to be exact. Last night, my wife and I took a TON of stuff out of our attic and this morning we started hauling it all outside. Our neighbor around the corner is having a yard sale, too. Hers started yesterday and is continuing today. Unfortunately, she is some pretty stiff competition, so we're going to have to take drastic measures to disrupt her little "rummage sale" (not that she's calling it that- I just didn't want to confuse our customers).

Anyway, I'll post some pictures in a little while.

Sunday, June 19, 2005

My Dad

Sometimes, my dad thinks he was a bad father. He thinks that since he didn't take his kids fishing enough, or hunting, or to ball games, that he must be a bad father. He thinks that he just did not spend enough time with us. With that being said, he might find it strange that all of my childhood memories revolve around being together as a family.

I don't mean "being together" in that we lived together so we really had no choice (although, at times, I'm sure that was the case). I mean all those weekends we spent together as a family; all of those road trips we took together as a family. I still remember waiting with my brother for my dad to get off the bus from work. When we saw him, we would run up to him and he would greet us with a wide smile and a loving hug. I want my kids to look at me like that someday. I want my kids to look up to me the way I looked up to my father then. The way I still do now.

As a kid, there was never a jar lid too tight, a box too heavy, or a shelf too high for my dad. To me, my dad was Superman. And as far as I'm concerned, he still is.

Happy Father's Day, Dad. I love you.

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Newborn Baby Hayden

June 12th 2005 041
Originally uploaded by Faron Oakes.
Our nephew Hayden was born on Tuesday, June 15th, 2005. I have no idea what time but I do know that he weighed in at 9lbs 5oz. My wife may continually catch "the baby bug" but I've had my immunizations so I am pretty much safe.

Don't get me wrong. I love my kids. I love babies. I loved my kids when they were babies; I just don't really want anymore right now.

Back on the subject, if you want to see some more pictures of the baby, click the picture or the flickr link on the right. Have a great night!

Tuesday, June 14, 2005


I stumbled across this today. Cereality is some sort of new fast food idea. The perfect food now has a restaurant designed for it. I love it! When will this be in my town?

My Gripe with Cereal

Despite the title of this post, I love cereal. Anyone that knows me could tell you that. I've been to breakfast buffets before and made more trips for the cold cereal than anything else on the buffet. But anyway, here is my gripe: the bags.

Why can't the cereal manufacturers get this right? After opening the cardboard top, I am faced with a plastic bag containing the actual cereal. But I can't just grab the bag with both hands, pull, and expect it to open. That would be too simple. I am forced to examine the glue seal, diligently searching for its weak spot. Once I think I've found the right spot, I steadily tug at either side of the bag. Then, I move my hands just a little further over in an effort to start the opening over a wide area at the top of the bag. Just when I'm confident that the bag will open cleanly and smoothly, I apply a little more pressure and, RIPCRUNCH!! The bags opens but is ripped down its side, instantly causing the cereal to go stale. It is now impossible to close this bag properly.

My plea to Kelloggs, Post, General Mills, etc. is this: Please make a better bag! I'm not asking for a "zip-lock" bag; that's not cost efficient. I'm just asking for a bag that will withstand the violent opening procedure. Please hear my cry! I cannot, nay, will not, switch to another breakfast food. I am at your breakfast mercy. Serve up a bowl of sympathy for me.

Saturday, June 11, 2005

Actor James Belushi Dies in Shootout with Police

At least that's what happened in my dream. For some reason there was a standoff between Belushi and the police department. He was inside of a home (not sure if it was his or not) and the police were all stationed outside. At some point, he was yelling at a little boy and there was a gunshot; he killed the little boy. I don't remember how things escalated so quickly but, somehow, there was a gun battle and it was announced later on the evening news that Jim Belushi was dead.

It's strange how dreams come about. I haven't watched Jim Belushi's show; I haven't even heard of any police stand-offs in the news lately but out of the blue this dream pops in my head. It's so random that I decided to post it here in the unlikely event that something similar to this happens to Mr. Belushi. Then I will be heralded as some sort of clairvoyant, which is actually my life dream. That, or a professional writer. Whichever.

Thursday, June 09, 2005

Star Wars Gangsta Rap

I saw this four or five years ago and, thanks to the folks over at XMG, I've run across it again. If you haven't seen it before, do yourself a favor and go check it out. I think it's hilarious. More real posting later. Bye!

Monday, June 06, 2005

Happy Anniversary, Mom and Dad

On June 6, 1970, my parents were married. Over the past thirty five years they haven't traveled the world, they haven't backpacked across europe, they haven't lived in a huge house, they haven't owned fancy sports cars, they haven't been members of an exclusive country club. Over the past thirty five years they've needed one thing: each other. Throughout my entire childhood, I remember my parents doing their best to spend as much time as possible together (and with us kids). I remember my parents regularly having a sitter over to watch my brother, sister, and me while they went out for dinner and a movie.

I've learned so much from my parents. More than I think they will ever come to understand. I've learned that, in marriage, you don't have to constantly surround yourself with "busy" activities like hanging out all night with friends while your wife is home alone with the kids. I've learned that it is never appropriate to put your spouse down (even in jest) in front of other people. I've learned all of this by example.

My wife and I have been married for nine years now and each day is a learning experience; each day is an adventure. Of all the lessons I learn in my own marriage, the best lesson was learned early on in my life: Saying "I do" means something. It means sticking by the one you love no matter how rough the road gets, no matter how dark the storm clouds in life become. Two have become one.

Happy 35th Anniversary, Mom and Dad! Your love inspires me.

Sunday, June 05, 2005

Yard Sales and Cereal

We spent a lot of time going to various yard sales today. Joy goes for the true enjoyment of getting a good deal. I went with the intention of finding some nifty little item that I could sell on eBay. Alas, it was not to be today. For me, anyway. Joy found tons of great deals. The closest thing I came to was an old radio/8-track player. Unfortunately, the antenna was broken off and it looked rather crappy so I decided against parting with ten dollars for it.

After the yard sale "extravaganza" (as my wife would love to call it), we started rearranging our house a little bit. The main goal was to move the older computer (which I'm typing this on right now) from my daughter's room into the dining room using a desk we got from my brother-in-law last week. That goal has been met. However, over the course of the evening and in the spirit of rearranging, we started working on our kids' rooms. Yuck.

Our children accumulate lots of stuff. We don't shower them with gifts but what they do get is either an annoying noise maker or is small, sharp, and painful to step on barefoot. Anyway, we bagged up some of the stuff for an attic trip and an upcoming yard sale when I realized that I hadn't eaten. Cereal sounded good but we were out of milk (and, frankly, any good cereal) so I made a midnight milk and cereal run to Harris Teeter.

It's kind of funny, I think. People go to the grocery store at midnight for a host of reasons: medicine for the baby, diapers, toilet paper. But not us. We go out at night to get milk and cereal. We are a wild and crazy bunch. Excuse me while I finish my Raisin Bran.