Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Third Shift

I'm thinking about going to third shift again.  I guess it's because the third shift supervisor mentioned the fact that if I were to go to third, I automatically get a 7% raise then, in March next year, I will get another 3% increase.  That could really help us out.  Joy and the kids are excited at the thought of my working during the night and being at home all day.  I've enjoyed it the handful of times that I've done it but, when I've done it before, it was with the understanding that I would have the next day or so off. 

Anyway, I am seriously considering this time.  We're going to keep praying about it and see how the Lord leads. 

On the memory lane front: Joy said that Sophie waved and said, "Ba Ba" as Molly and Caleb were going to get on the bus.  Super cute.  It won't be long now and she'll be talking non-stop like Molly and Caleb.

Well, it's time for me to head to bed so we can say our prayers and read our devotions.  If there's time, I'm going to try to read some more of Assassin's Quest.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love the nitelife, I love to boogie, hee hee.
Thanks for the invite, love, babe, etc!!!!!