Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Calling In to Work

Yesterday, our daughter was sick, so my wife called in to work. Since she works in an office with more staff than my job, this worked out okay. The only problem is that she doesn't have any sick/vacation time like I do. Today, her mom couldn't watch the kids since she's taking my father-in-law to the hospital. I decided to call in and tell my job that I would at least be coming in late (4 hours late to be exact). Each time I've had to call in, it hasn't been because I was sick. It's been because my wife or kids have been sick. Now, no one at my job has really said anything to me about my using sick time, but I still get the "now what are we supposed to do" vibe.

Isn't it sad that even though my wife's father is in the hospital, our main topic of conversation this morning was babysitting arrangements. If only I could go back to being Mr. Mom again. Those were the days...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You were also taking classes then. Whatever happened to predictability, the milkman, paperboy, evening tv?

Sorry, that was a bad reference. I was going to say, "whatever happened to those days?" And, that's what ended up coming out. ha

Have a great night and a great day Mike!