Friday, April 08, 2005

It's Friday

No, I'm not going to go into one of those "TGIF!! Life is worth living again! I hate Monday through Thursday!!" tangents. No, I'm not one of those people. At least, I don't think I am. I mean, I do enjoy Fridays, but not nearly as much when I have to work on the weekend. When that happens, my Friday typically is Sunday since I'm usually off on Mondays following a weekend that I work.

Therefore, I propose that Friday, as it is treated in our culture, is relative. The term "weekend", or more accurately, the feeling of "the weekend", is directly related to the current schedule of one entering said weekend. But I digress. I think... I wasn't actually getting at anything. I just felt like filling an empty space. Sorry. What a let down this must be for you! My apologies.

One last thing: I don't know if you ever read any of the stories at The Onion but I find some of their stuff hilarious. But be warned, I've also found some stuff can get pretty raunchy so surf with care. Anyway, you can skip all that and read their horoscope from last week. Some pretty funny stuff. Check it out right here.

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