Thursday, April 14, 2005

Nothing Much Going On Here

I haven't had too many crazy events take place in the last couple of days. However, I did receive the new cell phones (which I described more in the post that was never posted) from Cingular, which is quite boring to report, I guess. The only thing that's funny about it is that Federal Express was the carrier and they could not find my house. According to the driver, my address does not exist. This wouldn't be so ridiculous if the same thing hadn't already happened twice before. Right when I found out that FedEx was delivering it, I knew that I would be taking a trip over to my local FedEx building. (And I did, of course.)

It really doesn't make me mad, believe it or not. I find it pretty funny that UPS, Airborne Express, and the U.S. Postal Service can all find my house, but FedEx can't. So, the moral of the story is: Yes, Federal Express has cool uniforms but, please, if you're shipping something to me, use UPS. Thanks.

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