Saturday, July 30, 2005


I am officially on vacation as of riiiiight... now.

Ahhh. That feels good. So how are you? Really? That's good. Oh, sorry to interrupt you but could you focus more on my shoulders? I've got a lot of tension there. Thanks. Anyway, you were saying? That's terrible! Why? Didn't you see the pedestrian crossing sign? I agree. If the city is going to let tree branches cover up an important sign like that, then let them take the vehicular manslaughter charge.

Back to reality now. We are going to Nags Heads, NC tomorrow morning and we're leaving early. And when I say "early" I'm talking, like, 9am. 10:30 tops. (Just kidding. That's not the planned time, but I'm being realistic. I know my family and in-laws quite well.)

I will be taking lots of pictures with my digital camera. At first, I thought I was going to have a dilemma with my camera. I have one 128MB SD card in my camera which normally holds up to about one hundred pictures but I was afraid that I would go through all of those. Then I remembered that I have another 128MB card in my PDA. Since I hardly ever use the card in the PDA, that automatically opens up another hundred pictures. Now, if I actually go on vacation to Nags Head and burn through two hundred pictures, then you know that I'm simply wasting pictures.

Well, that's all. I'll be sure to update my blog when I come back and I'll send up as many pictures as my flickr account will allow. Have a great week!

Monday, July 25, 2005

Another Weird Dream

I worked this weekend so I am responsible for our branch's pager. When I get paged, it's almost always from our central message center. Anyways, last night I dreamed that I got paged around 3:24am by the Discovery channel.

That's right, this cheap little pager displayed a 1-800 number and the words "Discovery Channel". First of all, how did the Discovery channel get my number? Secondly, what did they want with me? And finally, if I did have some sort of information the Discovery channel needed, couldn't it have waited until normal business hours? I mean, was someone's life on the line? I was trying to sleep and some quasi-science channel is bothering me?! I guess I'll have to reconsider my decision to do freelance work for them during Shark Week.

Stuff That I Will Be Parting Ways With Soon (For a Price)

This is something that I've been keeping track of in my head lately so I decided to post it here so I could (hopefully) remember everything. Anyway, I'm going to be selling some more of my junk on eBay soon. I was going to list some items this week but, since I'm going out of town next week, I decided that just wouldn't be a good idea. Without further ado, here is a short list of items that should be going up on the world's biggest online yard sale in a couple of weeks:

Vac-Man, Arch Enemy of Stretch Armstrong (in box)

Peavey black and white Electric Guitar with gig bag

Peavey Envoy 110 Amplifier

Two Distortion Pedals: Metal and Chorus (I think they are Boss pedals)

Argus 300 Slide Projector with carrying case

Radio Shack PRO-2048 Radio Police Scanner (manual in printed .pdf format)

Hard to Find (or so I'm told) U2: Elevation 2001 Live from Boston double DVD set

Original Paperback Novel version of Star Wars dated 1977

Authentic Soviet officer's Hat (No idea what rank), tag (in Russian) still attached)

Other stuff that I happen to stumble upon at a thrift store.

Sunday, July 24, 2005

The Fall

It was dark outside and there was a storm coming. I went to my car to hang up a couple of tools on the nails that protruded from the wooden walls on the inside. As I turned around, holding my son, I heard thunder rumble from far away. While facing the front of the house, our gazes were turned to the wide open area on our left. No trees, buildings, or any structure stood over there. Still, I looked to see a black shadowy figure falling slowly from the sky; its arms flailing about before it struck the ground. I could not discern any features on this figure other than the fact that it was human and wore an overcoat, similar to what a woman would wear in 19th century London.

Where did this person fall from? There was no platform of any kind from which to launch him/herself. I also noted that there had been no sound of any sort of aircraft flying overhead. Strange experience.

I should inform you that this was a dream. An odd one to be sure but, believe it or not, it was also terrifying. In retrospect, I'm not sure why it was so scary. I think it may have more to do with the overall creepy feeling of the dream, not necessarily the person falling. Anyway, have a great day.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Daylight Saving Time To Last Nine Months?

I was totally surprised when I read this story this evening. (Link) Personally, I kinda like it getting dark earlier in the fall months. Anyway, I guess the only question remaining is: Why not make December, January, and February daylight saving time also? Then we could just drop the whole "daylight saving time" phrase once and for all.

Maybe this year when I get off work on Halloween, I'll be able to spend more time trick or treating with my kids instead of coming to see that they're almost done. Have a great night!

Sunday, July 17, 2005

My Daughter's Chant.

"906 O.K.I.R." That's what my daughter was chanting while playing with one of the various toy cars in my house. The funny part was that she was saying it like it was some sort of cheer. Kids are strange sometimes. Goodnight!

Saturday, July 16, 2005



The board game of "Trouble" was put to use by my son. The look of concentration on his face is comical if not somewhat "troubling".

By the way, he put all of those pieces on his left hand; I helped him with his right.

It Ain't Necessarily So

A week ago I published an entry to this blog describing (in great detail) how my iPod Shuffle came to an untimely end. When I wrote that, every single word was true. However, things have changed.

A few hours after publishing that, I tried my iPod and [gasp!] it WORKED! The play/pause button is a little less responsive but other than that it's working perfectly! I guess I made the right decision in letting it dry out for a few days instead following my initial gut reaction which involved the iPod being thrown against the wall in unrestrained anger.

So, for all of you out there that have been mourning for the past week, I apologize. Just know that your tears were not shed in vain, for I, too, thought the iPod Shuffle was gone for good. Have a great evening and sorry about the extended delay between posts. That will change as soon as I start posting more often.

Have a great night!

Saturday, July 09, 2005

iPod Shuffle, I Hardly Knew Ya

About three weeks ago, I was able to "purchase" a 1GB Apple iPod Shuffle through the reward points program at my job. In other words, I got this cool gadget with no out of pocket expense. It's a great mp3 player. Some people may be turned off by the fact that it doesn't have a display at all but that never bothered me at all. You can load a play list from your computer onto the shuffle, or let iTunes (the program it was made to work with) pick a playlist at random. I really enjoyed using the shuffle on my forty-five minute commute to and from work everyday. But, alas, this love affair was not long for this world due to one fatal flaw in the iPod Shuffle's design: It's so stinking small and light!

Each day I went to work with it, I would take it and put it in my right pants pocket since I knew that the heat that would be present in my car all day could potentially damage the sensitive electronic components. And, when I got home at night I would take it inside and put it on my dresser where it could rest peacefully away from my two year old and my cat. Of course, coming home from work with coffee mugs, soda cans, etc. meant that I would typically put the Shuffle in my pocket during the trip from my driveway to my bedroom. Therein lies the rub.

On at least three different occasions, I was getting ready to leave for work and could not find my preciousss. I mean my precious mp3 player (oops). Then, each time, I would go look in the hamper and, sure enough, there was my iPod: in the pocket of my pants, in the dirty clothes.

Ah, dirty laundry in the hamper. An image that will haunt me for years to come, I'm sure. A couple of weeks ago, I got up for work and realized that I did not have any clean pants. Not only were they dirty, they were apparently the only dirty clothes in the hamper. As I started the washing machine in a panic for fear that I'd be late for work, I fussed at my wife saying, "Why did you wash everything else but my work pants?" Strange how our words come back to haunt us.

Thursday night, I came home from work in the usual way. My wife took my daughter up to the hospital to see our new baby nephew (see pics below). I knew that I had to drop a bill off so I grabbed my wallet, keys, and... where was the iPod? I searched my dresser casually, then a sense of dread came over me. From my room I could hear the washing machine's steady mechanical motion. I swear the swishing of the water and motor harmonized and sounded like: SHOR FUL- SHOR FUL- SHUF FULL-SHUF FULL- SHUFFLE!! I ran to the hamper and started digging through the dirty clothes, frantically searching for my work pants. They weren't in there. I threw open the lid of the washing machine.

It looked just like a murder scene. Khaki pants, wet and twisted into unnatural positions, filled the tank. I pulled out the first pair and shoved my hand into the pockets. Not there. I pulled out the next pair - empty pockets. Then I saw it.

Time seemed to slow down when I laid my eyes upon the iPod Shuffle resting peacefully at the bottom of my washing machine tank under about three inches of water. I plunged my hand into the water in a vain attempt at saving its poor, defenseless life. I looked at the water droplets that now covered its white little frame and shook it gently. A small splashing sound answered. Water. Water had infiltrated the iPod Shuffle's design.

I had plans for this little mp3 player. I start my vacation on the outer banks of North Carolina in about three weeks and I was already mentally setting up a vacation/beach mix that would last us all week in our car (the thing could run twelve hours on a single charge for crying out loud!). I was planning to link it to the Xbox 360 (which you can supposedly do) when it finally comes out.

Funny how our plans get tossed aside in this life. Despite all my plans, I never planned on this: Selling it on eBay with this title: "Inoperable iPod Shuffle Due to Water Submersion".

Apple iPod Shuffle: June 17th, 2005 - July 7th, 2005.

Baby Pictures and Some Other Stuff

Finally, I'm posting some pictures of baby Christian Kent Moss and a few others. If you want to view some of the other pictures from that night, just click any of the pictures below or my flickr link to the right. Anyway, here's the baby:

July 7th 2005 047

July 7th 2005 043

George, the proud papa just after the birth. Sorry it's not very high quality but I was on the outside of the nursery taking this picture.

July 7th 2005 034

Wayne, Caleb, and Molly in the waiting room at the hospital. What they're sitting in is actually a magazine rack.

July 7th 2005 045

Even though you can't see the baby at all in this one, this is a great shot. There's a nurse, George, and George Sr. seeing the baby. A Kodak moment.

July 7th 2005 050

Chloe playing around in Suzanne's hospital room.

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Pictures of the New Baby

Christian Kent Moss was born at 8:55pm on Wednesday, July 6th, 2005. He weighed in at 8lbs. 8oz. I don't know the length, but then again, I never knew the length of my own kids at their birth. On to the pictures...

Okay, so I don't actually have any pictures of the baby yet. I mean, I have some that were taken from a distance but they don't actually count. However, tonight my wife is going to the hospital to see the baby and I've sent my digital camera with her. So I should have some pictures online tonight.

If not tonight, then definitely tomorrow night. Or, Saturday morning. You get the idea.

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Hospital Trip

My brother-in-law and his wife are having their second child today. My wife has been at the hospital since around 9am this morning providing moral support. No baby yet but I'm sure he'll be along soon enough. I'm off today, so I'm going to take the kids with me up to the hospital in a little while to see the baby (once he's born that is). As soon as possible, I'll post some pictures.

I'll also post some pictures of Caleb's new buzz cut. He looks very much like Charlie Brown now, with his large bulbous head. Later...

Monday, July 04, 2005

Independence Day

Happy Independence Day, America! In honor of this solemn time, my family and I will be eating grilled hamburgers and hotdogs. And possibly get in someone's swimming pool. In all seriousness, I wonder how many children in our public school system know anything about our nation's birth. Sad.

Again: Happy Independence Day, America!

Sunday, July 03, 2005

The Pig

Alternate title: How to Fill Empty Space

The day the pig got out will always live on in the memories of everyone on the farm. Paul, the oldest of the farmer's sons opened the gate with a bag of feed under his right arm. Before closing the gate, he stopped and wiped the sweat from his brow with the back of his gloved hand. That was all the time the pig needed.

He had been waiting for this moment all day. He had casually, secretly watched Paul go about his chores, his heart pounding with anxiety. Now, he darted between Paul's legs, sending the feed bag flying in the air and sending Paul to the ground. Never in his fifteen years had Paul seen a pig run so fast.

Unfortunately for the pig, he was headed for the barn...

Stay tuned for new "The Pig" episodes. Each one is more meaningless and boring than the one that preceded it.

(Yes, I really plan on adding to this story. Now who's the sucker for reading my blog?)