Monday, July 25, 2005

Stuff That I Will Be Parting Ways With Soon (For a Price)

This is something that I've been keeping track of in my head lately so I decided to post it here so I could (hopefully) remember everything. Anyway, I'm going to be selling some more of my junk on eBay soon. I was going to list some items this week but, since I'm going out of town next week, I decided that just wouldn't be a good idea. Without further ado, here is a short list of items that should be going up on the world's biggest online yard sale in a couple of weeks:

Vac-Man, Arch Enemy of Stretch Armstrong (in box)

Peavey black and white Electric Guitar with gig bag

Peavey Envoy 110 Amplifier

Two Distortion Pedals: Metal and Chorus (I think they are Boss pedals)

Argus 300 Slide Projector with carrying case

Radio Shack PRO-2048 Radio Police Scanner (manual in printed .pdf format)

Hard to Find (or so I'm told) U2: Elevation 2001 Live from Boston double DVD set

Original Paperback Novel version of Star Wars dated 1977

Authentic Soviet officer's Hat (No idea what rank), tag (in Russian) still attached)

Other stuff that I happen to stumble upon at a thrift store.

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