Thursday, July 07, 2005

Pictures of the New Baby

Christian Kent Moss was born at 8:55pm on Wednesday, July 6th, 2005. He weighed in at 8lbs. 8oz. I don't know the length, but then again, I never knew the length of my own kids at their birth. On to the pictures...

Okay, so I don't actually have any pictures of the baby yet. I mean, I have some that were taken from a distance but they don't actually count. However, tonight my wife is going to the hospital to see the baby and I've sent my digital camera with her. So I should have some pictures online tonight.

If not tonight, then definitely tomorrow night. Or, Saturday morning. You get the idea.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

guess it's gonna be saturday morning...i mean, it IS saturday morning now...LOL

guess what?! I'm getting a whole dollar raise at work. HOLLA AT A DOLLA! you know it!