Saturday, July 09, 2005

Baby Pictures and Some Other Stuff

Finally, I'm posting some pictures of baby Christian Kent Moss and a few others. If you want to view some of the other pictures from that night, just click any of the pictures below or my flickr link to the right. Anyway, here's the baby:

July 7th 2005 047

July 7th 2005 043

George, the proud papa just after the birth. Sorry it's not very high quality but I was on the outside of the nursery taking this picture.

July 7th 2005 034

Wayne, Caleb, and Molly in the waiting room at the hospital. What they're sitting in is actually a magazine rack.

July 7th 2005 045

Even though you can't see the baby at all in this one, this is a great shot. There's a nurse, George, and George Sr. seeing the baby. A Kodak moment.

July 7th 2005 050

Chloe playing around in Suzanne's hospital room.

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