Friday, September 30, 2005

Van For Sale

We're selling our 1996 Dodge Caravan. At first I thought we'd sell it on eBay, but then I got lazy and just listed it in our local paper. So far I've gotten one call and that guy could barely speak English. He didn't even recognize the name of the city I live in. Funny, I had no idea my local Daily Press was delivered to Bangladesh!

Anyway, if we don't have any luck, I'm just going to go ahead and list it on eBay. At least there I can get some more exposure (or so I think).

Have a great weekend and, by the way, if you're interested in a 1996 Dodge Caravan, driven daily, in good condition, for under $2,000 then drop me a line. Thanks!

Monday, September 26, 2005

Beware Your Small Children

This article is kinda funny in a sad sort of way. Luckily, no one was killed. Although, it should really make some parents rethink leaving their kids in a car with the car keys in it.

Sunday, September 25, 2005

Slack. Even at games!

As I mentioned in my earlier post, I'm getting back into Morrowind in order to get all psyched up about Oblivion coming out. Well, throughout this whole weekend I've spent just under an hour playing Morrowind. That's it and that's okay. I'm not mad about that.

However, it's fairly evident that I'm not going to finish this game. Let me be a little more specific: There is absolutely no way I'm going to even come close to finishing this game before Oblivion comes out. Oh well. At least I've accepted it but, here's the scary part: Oblivion is supposed to be even bigger than Morrowind (and a lot prettier). That means that I won't even complete Oblivion when it does come out but, that doesn't bother me either. Here's why: I rarely finish a videogame from beginning to end. I can only think of few in recent years that I've actually beaten.

Man, what a slacker I am! But that's minor compared to this problem: I use colons way too much. Just look at this post! It's littered with them. Sheesh! Talk about lazy!

Now I'm using exclamation points too much again. Arghhh. Well, at least I've admitted I have a problem. Now I just need to find the proper twelve step program that I can join and subsequently quit before finishing.

Saturday, September 24, 2005


Not much going on here. I'm working this weekend and I've recently decided get back into Morrowind and try to beat it before it's sequel, Oblivion, comes out in November. I already know that I'm deluding myself. There's absolutely no way that I'll finish Morrowind in less than two months.

In case you're not aware of this, the Elder Scrolls series is famous for providing the most open-ended gameplay imaginable. You can practically do whatever you want in the world of Morrowind. You can completely ignore the main quest and still spend hundreds of hours in the game. I'd forgotten how much fun this game can be.

You might be wondering why I'm so sure I won't finish this game before Oblivion's release. Here's why: I purchased Morrowind for the Xbox when it came out in June of 2002 and I never finished it. Here it is three years later and I still want to try to finish it.

Is this perserverance? Willpower? No. There's probably one word that most people would use to describe all of this: Stupidity.

I've never denied that playing videogames is a waste of time. It ranks right up there with going to the movies, watching television, and following professional sports. All are a waste of time. But all provide a form of release or, I daresay, escapism. GASP! There I said it. I enjoy escapism from time to time. What's so bad about that? Just like the old "Cheers" theme song said:"Wouldn't you like to get away? / Sometimes you wanna go / Where everybody knows your name./ And they're always glad you came / You wanna waste sometime with us / You've got nothing better to do / Your life is so pathetic and so are you." It goes something like that except that I obviously tried to be funny.

One last thing before I close this obnoxiously boring post: In spite of all the time I spend writing about videogames this or Xbox that, I really don't spend all that much time playing games. It's just a "hobby" thanks to my "real" life. Stay tuned for more boring updates.

Friday, September 23, 2005


It has come to my attention that the link to the PETA story in my previous post required readers to register before being able to read it. I have changed the link so that anyone can read it. The new article isn't as in depth as the other but it's still good. For future reference, there's a site called that allows you to log on to news websites without having to go through all of that registration mumbo-jumbo. Anyway, all is better now. Thanks, Michelle, for the heads up!

Thursday, September 22, 2005

An Example of PETA's Sensationalistic Stupidity

I read this story yesterday, and it just helped to rekindle my utter disdain for PETA. Let me sum up the article for you: PETA likens cruelty to animals (and I use the term "cruelty" loosely) to the civil rights struggles of blacks in America. HUH?!

Hmmm. Which is more important to PETA: Equal rights for all Americans or ending all forms of meat consumption in this country? I think we all know the answer to that. Maybe if there were some "whites only" restaurants that refused to serve meat, PETA would be okay with that.

In case you can't tell, I hope this completely blows up in this organization's face. Of course, it probably won't since the major media outlets won't push a story that puts PETA in a bad light. Oh well. At least PETA is showing what their priorities in this society are.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Hurricane Rita

Well, I'm officially sick of hurricane season. That's probably a pretty pathetic sentiment compared with all of the people in Texas, Louisana, etc. that are actually being directly affected by the storms.

Speaking of the plural word, "storms", why are we at the letter "R"? I'm not blaming global warming (since I'm not a sworn believer like so many others that act like it is simply fact - it's not) I'm concerned about the names. Where do we go if we actually get past the letter "Z"? Do we go ahead and start using next year's list and just keep borrowing forever? If so, at some point we're going to have to cancel hurricane season. I know this is a little unorthodox, but think of all the destruction we can avoid if we just cancel hurricane season. People would have a chance to re-think things. To see what's what in their lives in relation to hurricanes. Think about it.

It worked for the NHL.

Sunday, September 18, 2005

He-Man's Fabulous Powers

I know that I piggyback on the links that I find over at XMG a lot, but in this case, I just couldn't resist. I literally was laughing out loud for pretty much the whole time. Check out this link and let me know what you think.

By the way, despite what you think, I'm still going to say that this is hilarious. Until next time...

Friday, September 16, 2005

Yeah, You Better Run Ophelia!

That's right, I'm talking to you. You thought you were all big and bad and stuff and were gonna, like, beat us down over here and whateva. But you so slow you couldn't even decide where you wanted hit. Sure, you tried picking on the outer banks in North Carolina. What else is new? Almost every hurricane does that.

Then you thought you were scaring Virginia with the way you was swirlin' and twirlin' down there but we were like, "We ain't scared. Show us what you got Ofeeya! Go 'head and knock down our housing. We ain't scared of losing our houses. Shoot. Go on with yo bad self."

So now we looking at the news and we be laughing! You like, "Guess I'm gonna go on up to New England and scare dose folks cuz they prolly scared of a big ol' hurricane." Yeah, yeah. You go on up there. You ain't scare us anyway cuz you so weak. All we wanted was some rain from you. Dat's right! We wanted something from you! Ha!

See you in six years but I bet you won't barely make it to a tropical storm then. Jus' don't forget: Virginia sent Ofeeya running. HOLLA!!

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Things You Should Never Do, Vol 2

Today's issue of Things You Should Never Do: You should never cover a baby in barbeque sauce and then hold him/her in front of a Chow dog.

The Chow may actually eat said baby. Now, this may or may not be a proven scientific fact, but it I'm pretty sure that I heard something somewhere about a Chow eating a baby. Even if it's not a proven fact, it's still not a good idea to lather a baby in barbeque sauce whether or not you hold him/her in front of a dog.

Just so you never forget. Here are a couple images to make sure you never forget today's Things You Should Never Do:

Funny Commercial

I saw this commercial yesterday. It's very funny (in my opinion). Someone over at XMG was kind enough to find a link to it. Let me know what you think. Have a great day!

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Hurricane Ophelia

Hurricane Ophelia is making its way along the east coast and may soon pass over my house. Well, partially anyway. Fortunately, it's not supposed to be super strong when it hits. If I'm wrong and it is in fact "super-strong", then you'll know when you see that my posts will stop forever. Then again, I may do that just to make a point.

Anyway, I find it sort of ironic that this hurricane is named "Ophelia" since in the play "Hamlet" by William Shakespeare, the character Ophelia committed suicide by drowning herself. (At least that's what happened in the movie version by Mel Gibson.) Get the connection? Hurricane = water. Ophelia, Hamlet's sister, = drowning in water. Maybe it's not so much ironic as it is an uncanny coincidence.

If you'd like to learn more about Ophelia's death in Hamlet, visit your local library and ask one of the homeless people to please get off the computer so you can look up Ophelia on the library's system. Or, you could just click here.

Have a great night!

Monday, September 12, 2005

Things You Should Never Do

Today's issue of "Things You Should Never Do":

You should never drink gasoline. Its main use is as a fuel in combustible engines. In other words, it's highly flammable. Not only that, recent studies have shown that if you drink it, you've got a really good chance of dying within hours. So, once more: You should never drink gasoline.

This has been "Things You Should Never Do". Until next time, be careful out there!

Saturday, September 10, 2005

How Long Are You Going To Just Sit There?

Well? I've been running myself ragged all week and everytime I see you, you're sitting down. Do you even know where the trash can is? I mean, look at all of those nail clippings? A normal person would know that's disgusting but you just sit there staring at me like I'm the crazy one. What did you say? As a matter of fact I do clip my fingernails regularly. I just don't do it while others are trying to watch a movie or eat breakfast.

Yes, I am still mad about the breakfast thing. Go ahead and laugh. Laugh your head off. I didn't think it was so funny when your nasty toe nail flew into my cereal. Thanks to you, I'll never be able to eat frosted flakes again.

Ah, now you gingerly pick up your nail clippings. If I hadn't said anything, would we be wading around this house in finger and toe nail clippings?

By the way, will you please get rid of that annoying typewriter? I know you're busy writing the next great American novel, but we do own a computer.

Okay, explain to me how, exactly, a typewriter inspires you creatively. The sound. The sound!? The incessant "click click click DING SHHDOOK click click"? That's ridiculous. Well, if that's true then I guess I understand why you love to recklessly clip your nails: you're fighting writer's block!

I give up. Why do I even try? What do you want for dinner? Nah, I'm just going to have a bowl of cereal.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

A Quick Post

Just a quick recap of what's what right now. My daughter started kindergarten on Tuesday. So far, so good for her. She's shy but I'm sure she'll come out of her shell at her own pace. I know I did. No wait. That's wrong. I never really came out of my shell. I still carry it on my back like a hermit crab. Why do all of these posts wind up revolving around me?

Back on topic: I work tomorrow (Thursday) and I'm off on Friday. I'm not entirely off on Friday. I have a job interview on so I hope that goes well. I would really love to get a job that's a little closer to home. I'm sick of the forty-five minute commute, especially with the current price of gas. That's all for now I guess. I'll try to post something about how the interview goes on Friday. Right now, the main thing that's worrying me about the interview is where I'm going to park. Maybe if I focus on that, I won't have time to worry about the interview itself.


Sunday, September 04, 2005

Fruity/Cocoa Pebbles vs. The Flintstones

After just seeing a commercial for Post Fruity Pebbles something hit me. My children, ages 2 and 5, are not familiar with the Flintstones cartoon show. They may have seen it once or twice a while back, but I'm positive that if they did see it they would immediately say something like, "Hey! That's Fred and Barney from the Fruity pebbles cereal!"

Now, this isn't something that actually bothers me but it just got me thinking that this is all due to the fact that Turner communications owns the rights (for lack of a better term) to the Flintstones. It now only shows on the Boomerang channel which is kind of a spin off of the cartoon network. I love the Boomerang network but when I was a kid, I could watch all sorts of cartoons, whether it was a weekday afternoon or Saturday morning, on over the air broadcast channels. How many kids look forward to getting up on Saturday mornings now just to watch cartoons? Now if you try to see a cartoon on a broadcast channel, it's invariably Pokemon or Digimon or some other show featuring a spikey-haired kid talking loudly. It's an insignificant change but hey, I'm being nostalgic here.

When my wife and I first got married, we lived in this apartment complex that didn't get cable from the local cable TV provider. No, they had (and still have) their own 10' satellite dish that actually received less than even the most basic cable. Oh, you could add HBO (and I hate HBO) but that was about it. You can even go to Yahoo!'s TV listings and see Westwood apartments has their own "service provider section. Check it out here.

Anyway, each morning when we were getting ready for work, we'd turn it on the TNT network and watch Scooby-Doo. This was all circa 1996. About a year or so later, no more Scooby-Doo. Scooby-Doo had gone to being shown exclusively on the Cartoon Network which we did not receive. In a sad twist of fate, we resorted to watching Chips on TNT each morning. John and Ponch served their purpose, I guess. Strangely, I don't think Chips is exclusive anywhere. And I don't even know what channel TNT is on Directv. That's how useless that network has become for me.

The bottom line is this: I love cereal but I don't like the TNT network. Stupid Ted Turner. Until next time, here's a shot of the Scooby-Doo substitues:

Saturday, September 03, 2005

Are We Bad Parents? Don't Answer Yet...

Today was such a beautiful day, we decided to take the top down on the Jeep. Around nine o'clock, we went to Sonic and ate outside at their little picnic-style area (since it was so beautiful but I think I already mentioned that part). While we were sitting there waiting for our food to come, our son was shifting around on the rubber coated metal picnic benches when I heard him yell, "I'm beeding!" which, being translated means, roughly, "I'm bleeding". Anyway, I realized that it was just from where he had scraped a scab off so it was bleeding a little. I cleaned it up and thought nothing more of it. A few minutes later, I saw that he had some dried blood on his shin. There were other people eating nearby and I didn't want to gross them out if they saw my son's bloody shin. We had some baby wipes in the Jeep which would have cleaned it up nicely but we were parked over twenty yards away and I was feeling kind of lazy.

After we had eaten, our slightly bloody-legged son was watching a moth that was thrashing around on the pavement. Naturally, after watching it for a few moments, he stomped on it. When he saw that the moth's body was now stuck to the underside of his show, he started violently scraping his shoe on the ground. That didn't work, so he started screaming and looking down in the general direction of his shoe. I'm pretty sure the people at the next table saw our child screaming and looking down in the area of his bloodied leg and assumed he had a boo-boo. Sadly, his parents were laughing at the whole ordeal. In our defense, we were laughing at the fact that he was freaking out over a moth stuck on his shoe, not a cut on his leg.

Anyway, we got into our Jeep and got on the road to head home. Since the top was still down, our kids were freezing all the way home because it had gotten a little chilly. I thought about turning the heat on but that would have been just selfish since none of that heat would have reached our kids in the back.

So, to sum it all up, I really don't think my wife and I are bad parents. It's not like we drove around in thirty degree weather with the top down. We would only do that if the kids were acting up a lot and we had to prove that we weren't joking with them when we said we'd make both of them ride around in the back of the Jeep with the top down in thirty degree weather. Again, that's only if we had to absolutely prove something.

You do know I'm joking right? Right?! Answer me or so help me, I'll strap you in the back of that Jeep and drive around with the top down in thirty degree weather! Don't give me that look! Do you think I'm joking? Do you?! You do, don't you? Let's go! Take your coat OFF and get in that seat! Who's joking now, huh? HUH?!!

Have a great night.

Thursday, September 01, 2005

No Whining This Time. I Promise.

Work had its irritating moments today but that's life I guess. I'm trying to tone down my internal whining about work. In all honesty, I think the reason I'm letting things get to me more is because I'm under the impression that I'll be leaving soon for another job. That might not be the case so I'd better learn to live through the day without giving myself anymore headaches.

I know I'm very prone to do this, but this whole situation makes me think of a Simpsons episode where Homer is quitting his job at the Nuclear Power Plant for a job at the bowling alley (I think). Anyway, on his final day, he does all these horrible things since he just knows he'll never be back. As he drives away from the plant he throws a match behind him and burns a small wooden bridge leading to the plant. Ah, literal imagery of old cliches. Good stuff.

Anyway, it's late and I have to work this weekend. Thankfully, this is Labor Day weekend so I don't anticipate it being very busy. Also, I'm off Monday and then again on that Friday.

What was I complaining about again?